Previous Research Scholars
PhD Awarded in 2023-2024

Manoj B S
Email: bsmanojiitk@iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Measuring impacts of travel demand management strategies

Mouli Majumdar
Email: moulimajumdar@gmail.com
Research Topic: Assessment of the inter-relationship between Brownfield-Greenfield development and HDI driven population dynamics

Rituparna Das
Email: rituparnadas0305@gmail.com
Research Topic: Child-Friendly Neighbourhood- An Evaluation Framework in Indian Context

Nunna Tagore Sai Priya
Email: tagoresaipriya111@gmail.com
Research Topic: Community and Regional Planning

Saddam Hussain
Email: ar.saddam@iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: A Methodology to Improve Pedestrian Safety and Security Along Urban Street Network

Priyanka Das
Email: priyanka207@iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Interventions in Transport Infrastructure Facilities and Services for Augmenting Tourism

Shivangi Singh Parmar
Email: shivangisp9@gmail.com
Research Topic: Assessment of Spatio- Economic Resilience based on Interrelationships of Clustering of MSMEs and their Distribution

Eeshan Bhaduri
Email: eeshanbhaduri@iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Measuring the effectiveness of ICT on improving urban mobility
Previous PhD Awardees

Sunny Bansal
Email: ar.sunnybansal@gmail.com
Research Topic: An Assessment of Spatial-Economic Impacts of Airports on Airport-Oriented Development (AOD)

Amit Kumar Jaglan
Email: footprint1109@gmail.com
Research Topic: Approach for the Solid Waste Management in Eductional Campus

Vikas Nimesh
Email: vikasnimeshdtu@iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Assessing vehicular emission in real time

Prashant Prasad
Research Topic: Influencing Mode Choice Behaviour for School Trips in Favour of Shared Modes for Travel Demand Management in Urban Areas

Dipanjan Nag
Email: el.diablo.diablo78@gmail.com
Thesis Title: Performance evaluation of urban pedestrian infrastructure networks

Kuldeep Kavta
Email: kuldeep.kavta@iitkgp.ac.in
Thesis Title: Understanding the impact of integrated TDM measures on mode choice

Tanima Bhattacharya
Email: tani.bhattacharya1@gmail.com
Thesis Title: A Methodology to Integrate Technical and Art Elements of Design for Regeneration of Urban Spaces

Tanya Sharma
Thesis Title: A Methodology for Prioritizing Critical Infrastructures for Urban Flood-Prone Areas: A Case of Guwahati, Assam
Shubhajit Sadhukhan
PhD. Awarded in 2017
Thesis Title: Planning of Transfer Facilities in and Around Metro Stations.
Roshan Jose
PhD. Awarded in 2020
Thesis Title: A Methodology for Evaluation of Highway Freight Operation and Safety Performance Using GPS Data
Ankhi Banerjee
PhD. Awarded in 2015
Thesis Title: An Assessment of Housing Affordability Inclusive of Variations in Infrastructure Development within a Metropolis: Case of Kolkata.
Partha Saha
PhD. Awarded in 2019
Thesis Title: An Approach to Development of Web-Based Decision Support system To Enhance Quality and Coverage of Maternal And Child Health-Care Services
Samadhan Khasaba Bele
PhD. Awarded in 2014
Thesis Title: Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Growth G-20 Countries.
Previous M.S. Student
Ranjana Kumari
MS Awarded in 2021
Thesis Title: Remote estimation of On-Road Vehicular Emissions & Assessment of Commuter Exposure to Ground-Level Air Quality: A Spatio-temporal Analysis along Urban Roads in India
Current Research Scholars

Sudeshna Manna
Research Topic: A System Approach to Increase the Rapidity and Efficiency of the Air cargo Movement

Suparna Dasgupta
Email: suparnadasgupta0@gmail.com
Research Topic: Methodology to Enhance Walkability & Pedestrian Experience of Space in Urban Sidewalks

Annam Sai Kiran
Email: asaikiran128@gmail.com
Research Topic: Design of Composite Urban Transportation Network with Buses and Auto Rickshaws

Tushar Kanti Saha
Email: artlabtsr@gmail.com
Research Topic: Infrastructure to Enlargement of Craft-Design associations in Revitalizing Local Craft Industries

Dhritee Diksha Baroowa
Email: dhritee.baroowa0105@gmail.com
Research Topic: Transportation Infrastructure

Lopamudra Sengupta
Research Topic: Concrete

Pulok Ranjan Mohanta
Email: pulokmohanta@gmail.com
Research Topic: Internet of things and digital supply chain management

Madhumita Dey
School Committee Member
Email: madhumitadey@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic:Information and pattern extraction from satellite data

Aakriti Verma
Email: aakriti.kgp@gmail.com
Research Topic: Critical Success Factors in Infrastructure Development of Resource rich Eastern India

Sovan Biswas
Research Scholars Representative
Research Topic:Green Space maximization at public places in the post pandemic world

Aniruddha Khatua
Research Topic: Feature Extraction and emission modelling

Kapil Kumar Meena
School Committee Member
Email: kapil.meena@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Transportation planning, Public transport, Road safety, Air pollution exposure, Air pollution modeling, Emission

Shahin M B
School Committee Member
Research Topic: Sustainable Material Modeling, Circular Economy, Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainability Assessment.

Atri Prashant
Email: atri@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Mobility and Accessibility in Urban Regions

Ashly Augustine
School Committee Member
Research Topic: Housing Infrastructure

Nilanjan Paul
School Committee Member
Research Topic: Technology Acceptance in Urban Travel

Email: sesidhar@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Travel Behaviour and Shared Autonomous Mobility

Anshul Singh
Email: anshulsinghrs.24@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Application of Virtual Reality for assessing preference and safety for active mode of travel

Rajesh Singh Rana
Email: rajeshsr.24@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Land Use and Climate Interaction

Apratim Bhattacharya
Email: apratimbhat.24@kgpian.iitkgp.ac.in
Research Topic: Information extraction using UAV data